Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 980
- A Randomized phase II study of docetaxel versus weekly carboplatin and CPT-11 for previously treated Non-Small cell lung cancer
- second line chemotherapy for Non-Small cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-09-09
- Does gefitinib prolong the survival of adenocarcinoma patients against non-adeno non-small cell lung cancer? A retrospective study.
- Non-small cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2008-07-23
- Dose-intensive weekly combination chemotherapy (cisplatin, vincristine, doxorubicin and etoposide) followed by cisplatin-etoposide therapy with concurrent thoracic irradiation: evaluation of a new treatment for limited-disease small-cell lung cancer.
- limited-disease small-cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-09-09
- Lung Cancer Evaluation of TS-1 Study
- Previously untreated stageIIIB/IV NSCLC
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2006-10-18
- Phase 3 study of docetaxel vs vinorelbine in elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
- elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-09-06
- Phase II Study of Amrubicin in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Previously Treated with Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
- All patients had histologocally or cytologically confirmed locally advanced (non-irradiated) or metastatic NSCLC, with failure of platinum-based chemotherapy (exception for UFT and gefitinib).
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-08-22
- Phase II study of gefitinib in patients with EGFR mutation positive- advanced non-small cell lung cancer
- non-small cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-09-09
- phase II study of irinotecan plus cisplatin followed by amrubicin in patients with extensive disease small-cell lung cancer.
- extensive disease small-cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-09-05
- Phase III study of gefitinib versus erlotinib in patients with previously treated lung adeno carcinoma
- Previously treated lung adeno carcinoma
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2009-06-19
- PhaseIII study of gefitinib versus cisplatin plus docetaxel in patients with non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR mutation
- non small cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2006-12-11