Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 232
- Clinical Trial of Jelly Containing the Rare Sugar D-Alulose in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Type 2 diabetes
- Fukunaga Kensaku
- 2023-06-07
- COmbination Strategy on renal function of the benidipine or diuretics treatMent with RAS inhibitOrs in CKD hypertensive population
- Hypertensive patients with albuminuria under the treatment of the inhibitor of the renin-angiotension system (RAS)
- COSMO-CKD Study Group
- 2009-07-01
- Deep learning model for analyzing the relationship between mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar nerve in panoramic radiography
- Mandibular third molar
- Sukegawa Shintaro
- 2022-05-28
- Effectiveness of endoscopic suturing method by each defect diamter for LECS of less than 3cm GIMT
- Gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumor
- Nishiyama Noriko
- 2022-03-29
- Efficacy of sit-stand workstation on musculoskeletal disorders
- Early gastrointestinal tumors
- Yachida Tasuo
- 2024-07-24
- Evaluation of Lymphatic flow using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging
- Colorectal adenocarcinoma
- Kondo Akihiro
- 2021-07-12
- Glove stocking study for Decetaxel -induced peripheral neuropathy
- prostate cancer
- Kato Takuma
- 2021-03-11
- Investigation of the usefulness of Rikkunshi-to in functional dyspepsi
- Functional Dyspepsia
- Yachida Tatsuo
- 2022-12-23
- Investigation of wound closure methods to prevent complications after endoscopic treatment of duodenal ulcers.
- duodenal tumor
- Nakatani Kaho
- 2023-03-25
- Phase I single-center safety and immunogenicity study of aAVC-CoV-2, a novel vaccine modality for the prevention of COVID-19 infection in adults with antibody-producing failure.
- Patients with mature B-cell tumors with anntibody-producing failure
- Kadowaki Norimitsu
- 2024-12-24