Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 528
- HiSCO 03 study
- Colorectal cancer
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2019-03-22
- Trial of surgical gloves for prevention of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy
- Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2024-10-08
- Efficacy and safety of tolvaptan for patients with ascites after liver resection, prospective study(Efficacy and safety of tolvaptan after liver resection, prospective study)
- Liver tumor
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2023-03-31
- Efficacy and safety of liver resection after preoperative therapy fo
r intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma unsuitable for resection
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2022-04-13
- A study of the efficacy of preoperative marking for liver tumors
- Liver tumor
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2023-01-25
- Study of the safety of Organ pocket during operation of kidney transplant recipients
- Kidney Transplantation
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2021-09-09
- Dual-wield parenchymal transection for liver resection using Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator and water-jet scalpel
- Liver tumor
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2022-06-09
- Placebo-controlled randomized controlled phase II trial of Goreisan in combination with carbamazepine in patients trigeminal neuralgia
- trigeminal neuralgia
- Ogawa Keiko
- 2023-01-30
- Outcome Assessment using SF-36 v2 in Stroke Patient Study
- Brain infarction
- OASIS STUDY Research Group
- 2008-05-31
- A multicenter phase II study of FOLFIRI as first-line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer with reduced starting dose of irinotecan in patients with homozygous for UGT1A1(FLIGHT1)
- colorectal cancer
- NPO Epidemiological and Clinical Research Information Network
- 2009-09-01