Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 528
- Gamma knife treatment results for patients with multiple brain metastases: A multi-institutional prospective study
- Metastatic brain tumor
- Japan Leksell Gamma Knife Society
- 2009-03-30
- Gefitnib monotherapy in patients with post-operative recurrent non-small-cell lung cancer with the EGFR mutation: a Phase II study
- non small cell lung cancer with EGFR mutation
- Okayama University Cancer and Thoracic Surgery
- 2006-04-24
- Gene analysis associated with short stature and growth hormone responsiveness
- famirial short stature, idopathic short stature, Noonan syndrome, and good/poor respoders of growth hormone therapy
- Keio University, School of Medicine
- 2006-12-01
- Gene evaluation for antihypertensive drug effects study
- essential hypertension
- National Cardiovascular Center
- 2005-09-07
- Health Promotion Program for Piabetes prevention (HPDP)
- diabetes
- HPDP research group
- 2005-10-01
- Health-related quality of life and well being of post-operative colon cancer patients with laparoscopic and laparotomic surgery
- colon cancer
- Japanese Society for Endoscopic Surgery
- 2008-06-20
- HiSCO 03 study
- Colorectal cancer
- Ohdan Hideki
- 2019-03-22
- Home blood pressure for diabetic nephropathy
- diabetic nephropathy
- National Hospital Organization
- 2007-09-01
- Hypertension Objective Treatment Based on Measurement by Electrical Devices of Blood Pressure (HOMED-BP) Study: Prospective Randomized Open-label Blinded Endpoint (PROBE)
- Untreated essential hypertensive patients
- HOMED-BP Study Group
- 2005-09-09
- Hypothyroidism in Hyperlipidemia in Japan
- Hyperlipidemia
- National Hospital Organization, Kyoto Medical Center
- 2007-04-01