Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 529
- Phase II study of TS-1, CPT-11 and Bevacizumab combination chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colon cancer
- Metastatic colorectal cancer
- Multicenter Clinical Study Group of Osaka, Colorectal Cancer Treatment Group
- 2012-01-16
- Phase II study of topotecan and cisplatin for elderly small-cell lung cancer
- Elderly small-cell lung cancer
- Okayama Lung Cancer Study Group
- 2005-09-12
- Phase II study of topotecan and amrubicin for metastatic or relapsed small-cell lung cancer
- Metastatic or relapsed small-cell lung cancer
- Okayama Lung Cancer Study Group
- 2005-09-12
- Phase II Study of Thymomectomy for Thymoma Localized in the Thymus
- thymoma
- Japanese Association for Research on the Thymus
- 2007-04-01
- Phase II study of SMILE chemotherapy for stage IV or relapsed/refractory extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma
- extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type
- NK-cell Tumor Study Group
- 2007-05-14
- Phase II study of sequential administration of FEC (Fluorouracil / Epirubicin / Cyclophosphamide) followed by Docetaxel as adjuvant chemotherapy for node-positive breast cancer
- Breast cancer
- Kyushu Breast Cancer Study Group
- 2006-04-06
- Phase II study of rituximab in refractory or relapsed patients with multiple myeloma expressing CD20
- Multiple myeloma expressing CD20
- Zenyaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.
- 2006-11-28
- Phase II study of Rituximab in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Zenyaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.
- 2007-07-05
- Phase II study of reduced-dose craniospinal irradiation and combination chemotherapy in treating pediatric patients with newly diagnosed medulloblastoma or supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors
- medulloblastoma or supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors
- Japanese Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium
- 2006-12-08
- Phase II study of radiation therapy for isolated para-aoritc lymph node recurrence in patients with uterine cervical carcinoma
- uterine cervical carcinoma
- Kitasato Gynecologic Radiation Oncology Group: KGROG
- 2007-11-22