Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 1297
- A phase III randomized study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy including trastuzumab + cyclophosphamide + docetaxel in patients with operable HER2 positive breast cancer (JBCRG 10)
- HER2 positive breast cancer
- Japan Breast Cancer Research Group (JBCRG)
- 2009-08-31
- A Phase III Randomized, Multicenter Study Comparing Irinotevan and Cisplatin (IP) with Amrubicin and Cisplatin (AP) for the Treatment of Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer: (JCOG0509)
- extensive-disease small cell lung cancer
- Japan Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG)
- 2007-05-22
- A Phase III Study Comparing Etoposide and Cisplatin (EP) with Irinotecan and Cisplatin (IP) following EP plus Concurrent Accelerated Hyperfractionated Thoracic Irradiation (EP/TRT) for the Treatment of Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer (EP/TRT-IPIII): JCOG0202-MF
- Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer
- Japan Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG)
- 2005-08-30
- A Phase III Study Comparing Irinotecan, Cisplatin and Etoposide (PEI) with Nogitecan for the Treatment of Relapsed Small-Cell Lung Cancer (JCOG0605)
- Sensitive relpased small-cell lung cancer
- Japan Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG)
- 2007-09-20
- A Phase III Study of Docetaxel and S-1 versus S-1 in the Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer
- Gastric Cancer
- Japan Clinical Cancer Research Organization
- 2005-11-01
- A Phase III Study of Intra-Arterial Hepatic Chemotherapy with 5-FU (WHF) in Patients with Liver Metastases from Colorectal Carcinoma
- Liver excision;liver metastasis cancer of colorectal cancer origin
- Japanese Foundation for Multidisciplinary Treatment of Cancer
- 2005-08-25
- A phase III trial comparing preoperative chemotherapy to chemoradiotherapy before surgery in patients with pathologically-confirmed stage IIIA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer.
- Pathologically confirmed stage IIIA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2005-09-14
- A phase III, efficacy and safety study of phenobarbital sodium injection in newborns with neonatal convulsion
- neonatal convulsion
- Kagawa University, University Hospital
- 2006-04-26
- A PhaseII trial of oral etopocide and iv irinotecan for patients with platinum resistant and taxane pretreated ovarian cancer(JCOG0503)
- platinum resistant and taxane pretreated ovarian cancer
- Japan Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG)
- 2009-04-01
- A pilot study of interferon alpha suppository treatment for chronic hepatitis C
- Chronic hepatitis C
- Osaka Prefectural General Medical Center
- 2009-03-21