Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 1296
- Health Promotion Program for Piabetes prevention (HPDP)
- diabetes
- HPDP research group
- 2005-10-01
- Additional JET Study for Patients during Maintenance Phase(Co-JET Study)
- maintenance-phase renal failure (predialysis renal failure)
- Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
- 2005-10-01
- A randomized phase II (/III) study of TXT/TS-1 (DS) combination vs CDDP/5-FU therapy (FUP) in metastatic gastric cancer
- Chemotherapy-naïve metastatic gastric cancer
- Hiroshima Cancer Therapy Development Organization (HiCTDO)
- 2005-10-01
- A phase II study of gemcitabine and S-1 combination therapy for metastatic pancreatic cancer
- Metastatic pancreatic cancer
- National Cancer Center Hospital, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division
- 2005-10-01
- A phase I/II trial of HLA haploidentical peripheral blood stem cell transplantation following reduced-intensity conditioning
- Chronic myeloid leukemia, Acute myeloid leukemia, Acute lymphoid leukemia, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Malignant lymphoma
- Health and Labour Sciences Research Grants, Research on Human Genome, Tissue Engineering, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- 2005-10-01
- Effects of octreotide LAR treatment on QOL, clinical symptoms and endocrinological data in patients with acromegaly or pituitary gigantism
- acromegaly and pituitary gigantism
- Kansai Study Groups for Hypothalamic and Pituitary Diseases
- 2005-10-05
- Evaluation of effectiveness and safety of Capecitabine monotherapy in patients with Anthracycline-pretreated Metastatic Breast Cancer:A multicenter phase2 study
- Metastatic Breast Cancer
- KBCSG (Kinki Breast Cancer Study Group)
- 2005-10-10
- Second-line Trastuzumab/Docetaxel combination therapy in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer(MBC)- a phase 2 study
- Breast cancer
- H/D study group on Breast Cancer
- 2005-10-15
- First-line Trastuzumab monotherapy in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer(MBC)- a phase 2 study
- breast cancer
- H/D study group on Breast Cancer
- 2005-10-15
- Sequential chemotherapy with FEC(fluoraouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide) and P+H(weekly Paclitaxel+Trastuzumab) as primary systemic therapy for operable breast cancer with HER2 positive disease-a phase 2 study
- Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer PST Study Group
- 2005-10-16