Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 1287
- A competitive acetate-free bicarbonate dialysate and standard bicarbonate dialysate of iron metabolism dysregulation improvement and cytokine production chilling of hemodialysis patients : a cross-over multicenter study.
- Patients, who are treated with maintenance hemodialysis more than one year
- Hyogo College of Medicine
- 2007-07-30
- A confirmatory trial of BK-PIFA in healthy volunteers.
- Japanese healthy volunteers
- National Hospital Organization Mie National Hospital
- 2006-09-04
- A feasibility study of accelerated partial breast irradiation using interstitial brachytherapy for female breast cancer <=3cm pN0M0
- breast cancer
- Oguchi Group, Grant for Cancer Research, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare
- 2009-02-01
- A feasibility study of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in evaluation of mediastinal nodal metastasis of lung cancer
- Lung cancer
- Japan-multinational Trial Organization (JMTO)
- 2008-07-31
- A feasibility test on a postoperative Docetaxel plus TS-1 therapy for the patients with stage IIIA or stage IIIB gastric cancer (OGSG-0604)
- Stage IIIA or stage IIIB gastric cancer
- 2007-05-17
- A Feasibility Trial of Tri-modality Therapy for Resectable Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
- Malignant pleural mesothelioma
- Hyogo College of Medicine
- 2008-05-12
- A genotype directed dose-finding study of Irinotecan (CPT-11) by groups of Uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) polymorphisms in patients with advanced metastatic colorectal cancer and gastric cancer.
- colorectal cancer/ gastric cancer
- Yakult Honsha Co.,Ltd
- 2006-11-01
- A Japanese prospective observational study to assess a correlation between pre-surgical analysis of ctDNA and post-surgical pathological upstaging in patients with resectable clinical stage IA-IB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
- Resectable clinical stage IA-IB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC)
- Hibi Kazushige
- 2024-03-06
- A large prospective cohort study of cerebral microbleeds on MRI: prevalence, associations and a risk factor for stroke recurrence
- Stroke
- Department of Neurosurgery, National Hospital Organization Kumamoto Medical Center
- 2008-07-07
- A late phase II study of multidisciplinary approach to establish standard treatment for advanced neuroblastoma
- neuroblastoma
- Japan Neuroblastoma Study Group
- 2008-02-20