Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 677
- A clinical study to evaluate the feasibility and dose delivery accuracy of modified track Dynamic WaveArc therapy
- Breast cancer (left), Spinal metastases
- Mizowaki Takashi
- 2020-07-08
- A clinical trial of a novel skin reconstruction treatment for GCMN.
- Congenital giant melanocytic nevus
- Morimoto Naoki
- 2021-07-02
- A clinical trial of dried allogeneic cultured epidermis (Allo-JaCE03) for deep dermal burn
- deep dermal burn (DDB)
- Hayashi Shigeaki
- 2022-03-31
- A Clinical Trial of Photoacoustic Imaging in the Planning of Free Flaps
- conditions requiring reconsructive surgeries using free flaps
- Saito Susumu
- 2021-02-19
- A comparison study between Leaser and LED endoscopy in colonic mucosa
- Ulcerative colitis
- Takagi Tomohisa
- 2020-10-23
- A longitudinal study of the fluvoxamine treatment for the structural and functional connectivity between the orbitofrontal cortex and the ventral striatum in obsessive compulsive disorder
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Nakamae takashi
- 2019-01-21
- A phase 2 study for intermediate risk neuroblastoma based on IDRF (Image Defined Risk Factors)
- neuroblastoma
- iehara tomoko
- 2019-03-27
- A phase II study evaluating the effect of Nivolumab in combination with palliative radiationtherapy
in previously treated patients with NSCLC
- Non small cell lung cancer
- Satouchi Miyako
- 2019-03-26
- A pilot study of training using the Balance Exercise Assist Robot for the patients after the proximal femoral fractures surgery at the convalescent rehabilitation ward
- Hip fracture
- Fujioka Mikihiro
- 2019-05-17
- A preliminary study of training using the Balance Exercise Assist Robot for the patients after the proximal femoral fractures surgery at the community-based integrated care ward
- Hip fracture
- Tokugawa Seiji
- 2019-05-27