Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 603
- Cyclosporine C2 monitaring for frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome in children: A randomized controlled trial
- Frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome in children
- Japanese Study Group of Kidney Disease in Children
- 2005-08-01
- Dendritic cell-based tumor-specific immunotherapy against malignant brain tumor - Phase I clinical trial
- Malignant brain tumor (malignant glioma)
- Shizuoka Cancer Center
- 2009-12-01
- Development of the hot compress to reduce vascular pain caused by peripheral intravenous oxaliplatin administration
- Colorectal cancer,Small bowel cancer,Gastric cancer
- Iwasaki Yuko
- 2023-02-16
- Diagnostic assessment of preoperative multidetector-row computed tomography imaging in predicting curative resection of hepatobiliary and pancreatic malignancy: A prospective multi-institutional observational study
- Hepatopancreatic biliary malignancy
- Division of Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital
- 2007-11-07
- Dose-escalation study of adjuvant vinorelbine plus cisplatin with Japanese completely resected stage I-IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer
- Patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer with stage IB-IIIA and stage IA with 2cm or more
- Hamamatsu Medical Cencer
- 2008-10-21
- Double blinded randomized placebo controlled trial to examine if maternal intake of vitamin D supplement can prevent atopic diseases through breast feeding
- Exanthema on face at one month of age Breast feeding
- Jikei University School of Medicine
- 2009-05-18
- Double-blind Placebo-controlled Phase III Clinical Trial of TAP-144-SR (3M) in Patients with Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA)
- Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy(SBMA)
- Center for Clinical Trials, Japan Medical Association
- 2006-09-05
- Dupilumab in Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis (AFRS)
- Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
- Tanaka Tomoyuki
- 2021-06-14
- EASY-STOP trial
- Patients scheduled for distal pancreatectomy
- Sugiura Teiichi
- 2024-02-05
- Effect of Calcitonin Preparation for Acute Low Back Pain of Osteoporotic Fresh Vertebral Compression Fracture
- Osteoporotic lower back pain
- Japanese Society for Musclo-skeletal Rehabilitation
- 2009-03-05