Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 153
- Establishment of evidences for treatment of pediatric patients with Type 2 diabetes-Particularly optimal doses, effectiveness and safety of treatment with Metoformin.
- Pediatric patients with Type 2 diabetes
- Establishment of evidences for treatment of pediatric patients with Type 2 diabetes-Particularly optimal doses, effectiveness and safety of treatment with Metoformin study groups.
- 2005-09-15
- An exploratory research for a case with peripheral artery disease as a complication of lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
- lumbar spinal canal stenosis
- Fukushima medical university school of medicine
- 2008-12-05
- Protective effect of Japanese cedar pollinosis by Lactobacillus strain (KW3110)
- Japanese cedar pollinosis
- Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
- 2008-04-30
- A Study to Compare the Efficacyand Safety of GolcadomidePlus R-CHOPvs Placebo Plus R-
CHOPin Participantswith Previously Untreated High-riskLarge B-cellLymphoma
- Large B-cell Lymphoma
- Hayakawa Jin
- 2024-06-28
- The High-Risk and Population Strategy for Occupational Health Promotion (HIPOP-OHP) study
- hypertension, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance and smoking
- HIPOP-OHP Study Research group
- 2005-09-12
- Hypertension Objective Treatment Based on Measurement by Electrical Devices of Blood Pressure (HOMED-BP) Study: Prospective Randomized Open-label Blinded Endpoint (PROBE)
- Untreated essential hypertensive patients
- HOMED-BP Study Group
- 2005-09-09
- Phase 2 study of cisplatin and pemetrexed in previously treated patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma
- Malignant pleural mesothelioma
- Hyogo College of Medicine
- 2008-01-04
- Outcome study of hormonal therapy for prostate cancer in Japan
- Prostate cancer
- J-CaP study group
- 2005-09-29
- Japanese Diastolic Heart Failure Study
- Diastolic heart failure
- J-DHF Study group
- 2006-02-01
- Japanese evaluation between FormuLa of Azelnidipine and amlodipine add on olmesartan to Get antialbuminuric effect study
- Hypertensive patients with albuminuria and diabetes (diabetic nephropathy)
- J-FLAG Study Group
- 2009-01-29