Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 946
- The efficacy of LTRA for human ACF
- Patients with both colorectal ACF and resectable polyps
- Misawa Noboru
- 2019-01-25
- The Efficacy of DSG/EE 150/20 in Primary and Secondary Dysmenorrhea using a Flexible Extended Regimen
- primary or secondary dysmenorrhea
- Kuwahara Chiaki
- 2023-08-03
- The efficacy of brace for night pain of shoulder
- shoulder disorders
- Kenmoku Tomonori
- 2020-09-17
- The efficacy of additional metformin to aspirin for human rectal aberrant crypt foci: double-blinded randomized controlled trial
- Colorectal adenoma, carcinoma in situ
- Misawa Noboru
- 2019-03-13
- The efficacy and feasibility of the repeated intraperitoneal Paclitaxel +systemic TS-1 and Paclitaxel for far advanced or recurrent gastric cancer: Phase I/II trial.
- Far advanced or recurrent gastric cancer
- Department of Surgical Oncology The University of Tokyo
- 2008-08-30
- The effects of tonsillectomy and steroid pulse therapy in patients with IgA nephropathy : multicenter,radomized trial
- IgA nephropathy
- Research Group for Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse therapy in IgA naphropathy
- 2006-03-31
- The effectiveness and the safety of AMNV in patient with herpes zoster treated with immunosuppressive
agents:exploratory Study
- Herpes Zoster
- Imafuku Shinichi
- 2020-02-13
Not yet recruiting
- The Effect of Weekly GH replacement therapy on long-term glycemic variability -prospective observational study-
- Severe adult growth hormone deficiency
- Kubo Haremaru
- 2023-06-28
- The Effect of genetic polymorphism of CYP2B6 and UGT1A9 on the Pharamcokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Propofol
- The patients are surgical operation with propofol in the St. Marianna University Hospital
- St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacogenomics
- 2009-05-26
- The Effect of FemoralStem Collar for Total Hip Arthroplasty on Functional Recovery up to 12months Postoperarively:Rrospective randomized controlled study using a smartphone application
- osteoarthritis of the hip
- Hirakawa Kazuo
- 2024-05-10