Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 880
- Clinical research on the feasibility of the contact detection sensor to prevent self-removal
- Cognitive decline or dementia
- Amemiya Ayumi
- 2022-12-08
- Immunotherapy using WT1 peptide and a pertussis whole cell vaccine against Head and Neck Tumor: A phase I/II study
- Head and Neck Tumor
- Anti-tumor Immunotherapy Research Network, Department of Immunology, Kochi Medical School
- 2009-04-25
- The renoprotective effects of ARB in patients with IgA nephropathy : multicenter,radomized trial
- IgA nephropathy
- ARB therapeutic society of IgA nephropathy
- 2006-03-31
- Phase III Clinical Study on ART-123 in patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) directly caused by malignant hematopoietic tumors or infections (Multicenter double-blind randomized parallel group comparative study with heparin sodium as control drug)
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) directly caused by malignant hematopoietic tumors or infections
- Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation
- 2006-02-07
- Phase III clinical trial for AT-877 (i.v.) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Placebo-controlled, double-blind add-on therapy to antiplatelet drugs
- Acute ischemic stroke (excluding cardioembolic stroke)
- Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation
- 2007-07-02
- Study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of sacubitril valsartan under hemodialysis
- Chronic heart failure
- Asanuma Katsuhiko
- 2024-01-26
- Research study of QOL with leukotriene receptor antagonist ,pranlukast in asthmatic patients by use of Asthma Health Questionnaire-Japan QOL (AHQ-JAPAN QOL)
- Asthma
- Asthma QOL Research Study Group
- 2007-06-01
- Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Syndromes Registry in Japan Multicenter prospective observational cohort study
- Acute decompensated heart failure syndromes
- ATTEND registry committee
- 2007-06-12
- Prospective clinical trial of Eylea combined with Vitrectomy for DME
- diabetic macular edema
- Baba Takayuki
- 2021-08-11
- Addition of binimetinib after refractory to encorafenib and cetuximab in patients with BRAF V600E-mutant metasta
tic colorectal cancer
- Unresectable, advanced or recurrent colorectal cancer with BRAF V600E mutation
- Bando Hideaki
- 2022-01-01