Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 881
- HLA gene polymorphisms and development of cervical cancer in a Japanese population; a case-control study
- Cervical cancer
- 'HLA gene polymorphisms and development of cervical cancer in a Japanese population; a case-control study' group
- 2008-05-16
- Clinical phase II study of double-unit cord blood transplantation for hematological malignancies.(C-SHOT 0507)
- Hematological malignancies
- A Research Grant on Human Genome, Tissue Engineering from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare: Research on advancement and safety security of HSCT using umbilical cord blood.
- 2006-03-15
- The efficacy and safety of the Gefapixant in patients with interstitial lung disease
- interstitial lung disease
- Abe Mitsuhiro
- 2022-08-17
- An exploratory intervention study of renal rehabilitation for patients with conservative chronic kidney disease
- chronic kidney disease
- Aizawa Masashi
- 2022-06-25
- Exploratory clinical study for early detection of glaucoma using novel evaluation device.
- Healthy subjects, Glaucoma, Preperimetric glaucoma
- Akiba Ryutaro
- 2023-10-26
- Dose escalation study of chemo-proton therapy for esophageal cancer
- Esophageal Cancer
- Akimoto Tetsuo
- 2018-10-22
- Apraglutide Open-Label Phase 3 Extension Trial
- short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure (SBS-IF)
- Akinori Kashiyama
- 2022-08-08
- A Japanese phase III multicenter, single-arm, open-label clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of the diagnosis/treatment of lymphedema by ICG fluorescent lymphangiography in patients with secondary lymphedema
- lymphedema
- Akita Shinsuke
- 2019-07-30
- Blood-based Early Detection Tests for Gastric Cancer Program, Pilot Clinical Study (Phase I)
- Gastric Cancer
- Alere San Diego Inc.
- 2009-07-17
- Japanese Research of Cholesterol and Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetics and the patients with impaired glucose tolerance
- 2006-11-10