Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 455
- Clinical phase II study of double-unit cord blood transplantation for hematological malignancies.(C-SHOT 0507)
- Hematological malignancies
- A Research Grant on Human Genome, Tissue Engineering from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare: Research on advancement and safety security of HSCT using umbilical cord blood.
- 2006-03-15
- Phase II study of micafungin as empirical antifungal therapy for febrile neutropenic patients (C-SHOT 0503 study)
- Febrile neutropenia
- Center for Supporting Hematology-Oncology Trials (C-SHOT)
- 2006-03-30
- The renoprotective effects of ARB in patients with IgA nephropathy : multicenter,radomized trial
- IgA nephropathy
- ARB therapeutic society of IgA nephropathy
- 2006-03-31
- A randomized controlled study comparing S-1 with UFT as postoperative adjuvant Chemotherapy in Rectal Cancer.
- Rectal Cancer
- Japanese Foundation for Multidisciplinary Treatment of Cancer
- 2006-04-01
- Boron neutron capture therapy for high-grade glioma
- high-grade glioma
- University of Tsukuba
- 2006-04-01
- Nippon ICD Plus Pharmacologic Option Necessity
- patients with spontaneous episode(s) of sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation associated with organic heart disease
- NIPPON Investigators
- 2006-04-01
- Phase II study of Chemotherapy for Advanced or Recurrent Thymoma
- Thymoma (excluding thymic carcinoma)
- Japanese Association for Research on the Thymus
- 2006-04-01
- Phase III Clinical Study on Taste Disorder by Z-103 -Double Blind Comparison Study on Patients with Zinc-Deficient and Idiopathic Taste Disorders -
- Zinc-Deficient and Idiopathic Taste Disorders
- ZERIA Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- 2006-04-10
- Cohort study to investigate the clinical factors associated with the prognosis of high risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and MDS/secondary AML
- High risk myelodysplastic syndrome and MDS/secondary AML
- Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group
- 2006-04-17
- Phase 2 study of G-CSF priming chemotherapy for high risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and MDS/secondary AML
- High risk myelodysplastic syndrome and MDS/secondary AML
- Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group
- 2006-04-17