Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 456
- RAIB-TACE for Hepatocellular Carcinoma refractory or intolerant to Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Hasegawa Naoyuki
- 2021-05-26
- Quantification of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in patients undergoing SMILE chemotherapy for stage IV or relapsed/refractory extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma
- untreated stage IV or relapsed/refractory NK/T-cell lymphoma
- NK-cell Tumor Study Group
- 2007-06-18
- Prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint trial to examine the effect of active vitamin D on cardiovascular events in hemodialysis patients: Japan Dialysis Active Vitamin D trial (J-DAVID)
- Chronic kidney disease stage 5D
- J-DAVID Research Group
- 2008-06-19
- Prospective study of the severity-based treatment protocol for Japanese patients with MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis
- MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis
- Research Committe of Intractable Vasculitis Syndrome of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan
- 2007-10-30
- Prospective Study of hyperphosphatemia in CKD5D patients undergoing hemodialysis (STOP-HD).
- Hemodialysis patients with hyperphosphatemia
- Phosphate Research group
- 2009-05-25
- Prospective Open-labelled Randomized Controlled trial for efficacy of cholesterol lowering intervention in CKD patient with dyslipidemia
- Chronic kidney disease patient with dyslipidemia
- Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center
- 2009-03-16
- Prospective multicenter clinical study evaluating efficacy and safety of Nilotinib in Ph chromosome-positive (Ph+) CML patients with Imatinib resistance or intolerance
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia
- East Japan CML Study Group (EJCML)
- 2009-07-15
- Primary prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events with an oral antidiabetic agent in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk for cerebral infarction
- Type 2 Diabetes
- PROFIT-J Study Steering Committee
- 2007-10-09
- Primary Hyperaldosteronism in Japan
- hypertension
- National Hospital Organization
- 2008-02-01
- Prevalance of the sleep apnea syndrome in fatigue patients,cross-sectional, observational study
- Sleep apnea syndrome
- Department of General Medicine and Primary care Tsukuba University Hospital
- 2008-10-22