Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 455
- Phase 3 study assessing the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of SOK583A1 versus Eylea in patients with neovascular age related macular degeneration
- neovascular age-related macular degeneration
- Kobayashi Takeshi
- 2021-05-28
- Prevention of early postoperative seizures by perampanel
- Patient undergoing surgery for supratentorial brain tumors
- Sugii Narushi
- 2024-03-25
- Preventive effect of compression therapy on CIPN
- breast cancer
- Hiroko Bando
- 2021-08-04
- RAIB-TACE for the Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma beyond Up-to 7 Criteria
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Hoshiai Sodai
- 2021-01-29
- Robot suit HAL in children
- Cerebral palsy, spina bifida, cranial nerve diseases and spinal cord diseases
- Kamada Hiroshi
- 2019-03-27
- Safety and effectiveness study of removal of stitches for pediatric wound using EMLA cream
- unilateral cleft lip palate
- Aihara Yukiko
- 2021-08-17
- Safety and efficacy of the sj-HAL on early recovery of knee extension after surgery in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
- osteoarthritis of the knee
- Yamazaki Masashi
- 2019-02-08
- Safety and feasibility of Medical Care Pit for stroke patients
- Stroke patients (Cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage)
- Hada Yasushi
- 2018-10-01
- Spectral controlled light source for surgery
- Epiretinal membrane, macular hole, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, retinal hemorrhage etc
- Hoshi Sujin
- 2019-01-30
- The Clinical Trial of Stellate Ganglion Phototherapy for treatment of premature ventricular contraction.
- premature ventricular contraction
- Komatsu Yuki
- 2022-06-30