Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 456
- Comparison of myopia control effects by combination therapy with multifocal SCL and atropine 0.01% ophthalmic solution, multifocal SCL monotherapy, combination therapy with sphere SCL and atropine 0.01% ophthalmic solution, versus sphere SCL monotherapy: a 1-year randomized four-armed clinical trial in myopic schoolchildren
- myopia
- Takahiro Hiraoka
- 2020-06-30
Not yet recruiting
- Comparison of physiological responses between Leg exercise apparatus (LEX) and ergometer exercise
- Prevention of deep venous thrombosis
- Hada Yasushi
- 2023-11-04
- Compliance study Medication Event Monitoring System-Utilizing Survey on Bisphosphonate Compliance in Osteoporotic Patients in Japan
- Osteoporotic
- JOCC [Japan Osteoporosis Central-committee for Compliance study]
- 2007-06-30
- Contribution of efratigimod to the reduction of oral prednisolone
- Generalized myasthenia gravis
- Saiki Shinji
- 2024-10-01
- Correlation testing of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile toxin B detection reagents in stool samples.
- Infectious diseases
- Suzuki Hiromichi
- 2023-11-25
- Cost-effectiveness study of controlled ovarian stimulation with recombinant FSH.
- Infertility
- Kobanawa Masato
- 2024-03-13
- Cytogenetic features and its clinical implications in Japanese patients with multiple myeloma: retrospective analysis by Japan Myeloma Study Group
- multiple myeloma
- Japan Myeloma Study Group
- 2008-09-22
Not yet recruiting
- Detection of FFP of motor nerve origin by stimulating central nervous system
- Not applicable
- Hada Yasushi
- 2024-03-20
Not yet recruiting
- Developing a feedback system and evidence generation using LIFE data for evidence based long term care
- Care-needs level, Activities of daily living, malnutrition, pressure ulcer
- Tamiya Nanako
- 2022-10-04
Not yet recruiting
- Development and Validation of the Japanese Version of J-WEQOL
- epiphora
- Hoshi Sujin
- 2023-06-25