Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 70724
Not yet recruiting
- Comparison of effectiveness between polaprezinc and Zinc acetate hydrate on hypozincemia in hemodialysis patients.
- Zinc deficiency
- Kenwakai Hospital hemodialysis center
- 2019-12-31
- Establishment of assay system for zinc in whole blood
- Zinc deficiency
- Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
- 2014-12-17
- The impact of zinc levels on nutritional status
- Zinc deficiency
- Renal Division, Iwata City Hospital
- 2020-04-01
- Flexible endoscopic septum division for Zenker's diverticulum: Multicenter prospective study.
- Zenker's diverticulum
- National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center
- 2020-08-24
- Flexible endoscopic treatment for Zenker's diverticulum: Observational study of an existing treatment.
- Zenker's diverticulum
- National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center
- 2019-07-20
Not yet recruiting
- Flexible endoscopic treatment for Zenker's diverticulum: Multicenter prospective study.
- Zenker's diverticulum
- National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center
- 2019-09-30
- Endoscopic diverculectomy for Zenker diverticulum -multicenter study-
- Zenker diverticulum
- Niigata University
- 2018-11-01
- Therapeutic effect of jizusoippo for symptoms of Yusho patients exposed to dioxins
- Yusho disease
- Kyushu University Hospital
- 2013-04-15
- Effect of pregabalin on neuropathic pain in Yusho patients: open label pilot study
- Yusho
- Nagasaki University Hospital Dermatology / Allergy Department
- 2018-11-01
- Efficacy of Inclisiran for Dyslipidemia
- yslipidemia(Receiving evolocumab or taking maximum tolerated dose of statins)
- Sekino Hospital
- 2024-03-27