NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT2021190021

Registered date:19/02/2020

Phase I/IIa study of unoprostone release drug (URD) for safety and efficacy assessment on retinitis pigmentosa

Basic Information

Recruitment status Not Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedretinitis pigmentosa
Date of first enrollment02/03/2020
Target sample size3
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Placement of URD on sclera at posterior segment for 12 months


Primary Outcome1) Plasma concentration of unoprostone and M1 2) Blood test 3) Ophthalmic examination 4) Adverse event 5) Failure
Secondary Outcome1) Visual field 2) Distant vision 3) Questionnaire about visual function 4) Multifocal electroretinogram 5) Local electroretinogram 6) Optical coherence tomography 7) Choroidal circulation by LSFG 8) Laser flare meter 9) Fundus autofluorescence

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1) Retinitis pigmentosa patients 2) Available for written informed consent 3) Patients older than 20 years old 4) Patients who agree to participate in this study 5) Decimal visual acuities of both eyes are more than 0.1, and interocular difference in visual acuity is less than or equal to 0.21 (logMAR converted value) 6) Ptients with no difficulty in evaluateing the thickness of IS/OS line in fovea by optical coherence tomography 7) Patients with no Interocular difference in the condition of lens 8) Visual field measured by Goldmann perimeter V-4e is more than 5 degree at the center area of vision, and interocular difference in visual field is less than 34% 9) Interocular difference in the MD value measured by Humphrey perimeter (10-2 program) is less than 12 dB, and difference in the mean retinal sensitivity measured in repeating tests of visit 1 and 2 or visit 2 and 3 using Humphrey perimeter (10-2 program) is less than 3 dB, and the mean retinal sensitivity measured by Humphrey perimeter (10-2 program) is less than 30 dB (central 4 points)
Exclude criteria1) Length of eyeball is less than 21 mm or more than 27 mm 2) Difference in interocular length of eyeball is more than 2 mm 3) Patients who will have ophthalmic surgery except URD implantation/removal 4) Patients who had intraocular surgery within 24 weeks before URD implantation 5) Patients who had enucleated eye 6) Patients with galucoma and ocular hypertension 7) Patients with previous history of optic nerve disease and retinal detachment 8) Patients with complications of diabetic retinopathy, cone-rod dystrophy, and progressive retinal disease 9) Patients with complications of macular edema, cyst, epimacular membrane, and macular traction by OCT examination 10) Patients with intense choroid atrophy such as intense myopia and posterior staphyloma 11) Patients with complications of extraocular inflammation, infection, and severe dry eye 12) Patients with previous treatment history using isopropyl unoprostone and helenien within 12 weeks before informed consent 13) Patients with calcium antagonist and vitamin A within 12 weeks before informed consent 14) Patients who have drug allergies with ophthalmic anesthetic, fluorescein, and prostaglandin 15) Pregnant woman, maternal, lactating woman 16) Patients with complications of severe kidney disease, liver disease, cranial nerve disease, Heart disease, and malignant tumor 17) Patients with complications of autoimmune disease, diabetes, mental disorders, cognitive impairment, and hay fever 18) Patients who had other clinical trial and clinical research within 24 weeks before informed consent 19) Patients who have been considered inappropriate as study subjects by the investigator or sub-investigator

Related Information


Public contact
Name Toshiaki Abe
Address 1-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai Miyagi Japan 980-8575
Telephone +81-22-717-8234
Affiliation Tohoku University
Scientific contact
Name Toshiaki Abe
Address 1-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai Miyagi Japan 980-8575
Telephone +81-22-717-8234
Affiliation Tohoku University